This series is made out of a 25 minute recording of the electromagnetic fields generated by two sex toys. The segments of audio are in the same order as the recording, and remain unaltered with the exception of a pitch shift of - 6t, to render visible more intricate sonic textures, as well as some slight EQing to filter out overly harsh high pitches.

While my interest was initially sparked by the peculiarly pulsating sound of the Satisfier Pro 2 (one of the most popular air/vacuum-action clitoral stimulators currently on the market), the lasting curiosity came from the fact that multiple friends told me that they felt arousal from the electromagnetic recordings from these vibrators.
1. Ost
2. Alter
3. Scend
4. Pan
5. Swal
6. Scro
7. Nnihl
8. Nihw
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